Commissioner of Education
The position of the Commissioner of Education within the board of the MV is being the connection between the students and the education program. The Commissioner of Education is present in several committees within the faculty, which all have influence on the quality of the education. The commissioner of Education is participating in the Board of Studies (BoS), the Commissioner of Education meetings of the Student Association Council (SVR-O). Besides participating in these meetings, the Commissioner of Education also guides the STARO and (together with the study advisor) the mentor mentoring system for the first year students and has repeatingly meetings with the staff of Quality Control of CEG. The Commissioner of Education has lots of contact with several staff members of the faculty, so if you have complaints or questions, you can always contact him/her. You can visit the MV room or send an e-mail to!
THE STARO (students response group of AES), exists of 15 students: five from every year of the bachelor program. The main purpose of this group is to evaluate every course in the bachelor program. Every period the Commissioner of Education arranges a meeting and during this meeting the students will evaluate every course. After the meetings the Commissioner of Education provides this information to Quality Control. The following students are currently a member of the STARO 2024-2025:
First year
To be determined
Second year
Bubu Schmall
Ruben Bassa
Carlijn Hes
Marius-Andrei Márginean
Lia Josephine Wiegand
Third year
Felix Riedstra
Esther Groenen
WIllemijn Brouwer
Floris te Gussinklo Ohmann
Joseph Dirx
STARO members are also supposed to stay informed by other students of the program, to stay updated about problems and complaints within the program. If you want to share a complaint or problem, please feel free to contact a member of the STARO. We will also discuss these subjects during the meetings.
If you would like to become a STARO member and represent your year, feel free to contact the Commissioner of Education via email ( In order to get in contact with the committee you can also contact the Commisioner of Education.
Faculty Student Council (FSC)
The Faculty Student Council exists of 8 students from the faculty CEG: 5 students of Civil Engineering and 3 students of Applied Earth Sciences. The FSC is the only official consultative body of students within the faculty. Every two weeks the FSC meets and prepares for several meetings with the dean: agendameetings, official meetings and lunchmeetings. During these meetings different subject are being discussed such as logistic problems (study places at the faculty) and general changes within the education system (Binding recommendation on continuation of studies and the bachelor-before-master rule). The FSC has on almost every non-educational contents the right of consent (educational contents are discussed in the Board of Studies). The OER is updated every year, after the FSC has approved it. Elections for the FSC are in May, every student can be elected. Are you interested? Contact the FSC before April! Maybe you will be the next member of the FSC.
The AES-FSC members of the FSC 2024-2025 are:
Willemijn Pronk (EPO secretary)
Josef Dirx (EPO president)
Can Blaschke (2nd year student)
Do you have any ideas, problems or complaints for the FSC? E-mail them to!
Student Council (SC)
The Central Student Council is working on problems and complaints on a central level. Their official meetings are with members of the executive board of the TU Delft. The Student Council exists of 10 members and mostly there are 3 different bodies. Right now there are 5 seats for ORAS, 4 seats for Lijst Bèta and 1 for Dé Partij. Just like the FSC, the SC is coping with subjects like educational contents, facilities and educational related actualities in the country. The SC is the only official consultative body from the students at central level.
Board of Studies (BoS)
The Board of Studies copes with all educational related matters. It exists of 5 staff members and 5 (MSc-)student members: one from every MSc program. Besides these members, there are also a few other people involved in the Board of Studies, like Education and Student Affairs. The BoS meets every month and discusses contents like schedules, changes in the program, evaluations, etc.
The BoS 2024-2025 exists of the following people:
Dr C. Weemstra
Dr. S.R. de Roode |
Member |
Dr. G. Rongier |
M. Soleymani Shishvan |
Gunnar-Anders van Borselen (EPO Commissioner of Education MV)
Studentmember |
to be determined |
to be determined |
to be determined |
to be determined |
Course Evaluations
After every exam period a survey is send out to all students about every course they attended. EvaSys is the system that is used to make these surveys, this can both be digital and written. These evaluations are important to keep the quality of our education high. The main goal of these evaluations is to improve the quality and to reduce bottlenecks. The results are discussed in the meetings together with students in meetings such as the STARO and the Board of Studies. The faculty is able to improve the quality of the programs, but only if all the students fill out the surveys! The surveys are the responsibilities of the Quality Control department and are discussed with the Commissioner of Education.