Here you can find information about the most important topics about education matters. Altough a lot of information is on our website, it is no official website of the TU Delft, you can not derive any rights from this website. If you want to know the latest news, Always check the CiTG Studentenportal.
Binding Recommendation On Continuation Of Studies
In the beginning of 2009, the Executive Board has decided to introduce the Binding Recommendation On Continuation Of Studies. This rule applies for every bachelor program at the TU Delft since September 2009. Since September 2012, students have to gain 45 ECTS in their first year, this is 3/4 of the total amount of credits students can gain during their first year.
Binding Recommendation On Continuation Of Studies implies that every first year student has to gain 45 ECTS in the first year. If the student gains fewer points, he or she can not continue their program and he or she is not allowed to register for the same program in the next 4 years.
Students are informed about their study progress as follows:
• An indication about their study progress in December
• An early advice in March
• Their final study advice (provisionally) in the beginning of August
• Their final study advice (including the resits in August) in the end of September
If a student is still able to gain enough credits during the resits in August, he or she will still have the chance to gain these points. If the students does not gain enough credits, the student is not allowed to continue, even if this is announced in the end of September.
The faculty is trying to help students gain the 45 ECTS, you can read more about this in de tutoring chapter of the website.
Bachelor-Before-Master Rule (‘Harde Knip’)
In 2006 was decided to introduce the Bachelor-Before-Master Rule (in Dutch: ‘Harde Knip’). For students it means that students have to finish their bachelors program completely, before starting a master program.
For more information you can see the Educational Rules and Regulations.
Regulations: Rules and guidelines
There are several regulations within the programs where the rights of both students and staff of the faculty are written down. The most important document is the TER (teaching and examination regulations). Part of the TER is the IR (implementation regulations). In the TER are the general regulations and in the IR is explained how these rules apply. The TER and the IR only count for students and staff of the program itself! The student charter the central regulations are responsible for the central regulations of the TU Delft, so this means it counts for every student and staff member of the TU Delft. You can find them here
The TU Delft expects every student to be aware of these regulations.
TER (Teaching and Examination Regulations)
The TER is the most important document regarding the organization of the programs, for both students and staff members. It concerns all the matters of the education system and the examinations. In the TER all rights and obligations of both students and staff members are fixed, so that if there ever occurs a conflict, this document could function as the basis of our education system. It regards cases such as revising periods, resits and the right to look into your exam. Every program has its own TER.
The TER is determined every year by the dean and the Faculty Student Council. You can find the TER here.
IR (Implementation Regulations)
THE IR is about the way the TER is being implemented. You can find it here.
Rules and Guidelines of the Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners are responsible for the quality assurance of all final exams, tests and examinations within the degree programmes. The Board of Examiners assesses requests and complaints of students concerning the teaching and examination rules and regulations. These rules and regulations can be found here.
Student Charter
In the Student Charter every right and obligation of every student of the TU Delft and the TU Delft is determined. In this document, you can find information regarding the RAS-regulations (graduation support scheme), enrollment and legal protection.
You can get a printed version of the Student Charter of every servicedesk at the TU Delft. You can also download it online at this website.