The goal of this website is to archive resources that could help you with your studies. This is done by providing and sorting; exams, notes, and information that could benefit you. Brightspace offers these features, but the setup is dependent on the lecturer; who do not always provide all the resources they could give. Moreover, some lecturers do not believe in uploading old exams or allow people to preview future tasks. This website tries to amend that by hosting content through user submissions. This way you can help future miners succeed, or help yourself succeed by the submissions of previous generations of miners.
This archive continues on the work done by Adriaan van Natijne, and will hopefully help a few new generations of mining engineers.
To allow the archive to grow it will heavily depend on user support. This website can be supported in two ways, financially or content wise:
Web hosting costs money, to keep this site running various invoices will have to be paid. Hosting costs to keep it running, license costs to keep it secure, and data bills to make sure the files can be downloaded. The annual cost is around €150, which is by no means excessive, but a large burden for a single student to bear. A small donation from just a few would already help a lot.
New content will have to be supplied for this website to keep it up to date. I do not have access to all the necessary Brightspace pages to continuously supply new documents. If you notice that some content is missing, you have a scan of a non-archived exam, or you have some personal notes, then please consider sending them to me so I can upload and index them on the website.
A bit of help from many would already help this archive to grow immensely.