
The MV has some great pieces of merchandise and new clothing, accessories or other objects will be added every year. To have a look at the collection, see the following page:

Honorary Member Installation

In December 2023 the Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging gained two honorary members: Jan Kees Blom and Leendert-Jan Ursem. It was a fantastic event with many students and alumni in attendance, and the ‘Glück Auf’ was sung many times. As usual, we concluded the evening at ‘Het Noorden’, where the new honorary members were installed. We want to…

NR lustrum

This year our magazine the Natural Resource celebrates its 25th anniversary! This lustrum naturally has to be celebrated, and we will do this on the 3rd of November. First there will be a symposium at the faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences where previous members of the Natural Resource committees will be present. The symposium will…

Hans de Ruiter symposium

On the 12th of May, the symposium in honour of Hans de Ruiter took place. For those who could not attend or want to rewatch parts of it, this is the link to recording: